1 bar of signal after jailbroken 5.1.1

1 bar of signal after jailbroken 5.1.1


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Apr 3, 2012
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My iphone 4 was running on 4.1 (jailbroken & unlocked by Gevey sim) , today I upgraded it to 5.1.1 & jailbroke using Redsnow . The process went fine except that now the signal bar only shows 1 bar ? I've removed the furiousmod file & reinstalled , rebooted phone but that does not help . I did a search , someone suggested to install ultrasnow 1.2.7 , did that but it doesn't work either so I removed ultrasnow . Any suggestions ? Thanks.
When you updated to 5.1.1 did you update with a custom firmware or factory firmware? If you updated using a factory firmare, unfortunately you also updated to a baseband that is not unlockable by any means at this point in time. The only iPhone4 baseband that Ultrasn0w is compatible with is 01.59.00, so Ultrasn0w will not help you. If the phone is locked to AT&T and you are the original owner and the contract has expired, you can have them unlock it for you but other than that you're out of luck.
I used Redsnow 0.9.11B1 to cook a custom 5.1.1 IPSW with baseband preserved then updated it with iTunes (shift+restore) , from there I used Redsnow to jailbreak , installed furiousmod for 5.1.1 via Cydia to unlock. Everything worked fine except that the signal strength only shows 1 bar ? I also did the same thing to my wife's iphone 4 yesterday , hers showed the full 5 bars of signal . Wonder if I have to start it all over see that helps ?
I used Redsnow 0.9.11B1 to cook a custom 5.1.1 IPSW with baseband preserved then updated it with iTunes (shift+restore) , from there I used Redsnow to jailbreak , installed furiousmod for 5.1.1 via Cydia to unlock. Everything worked fine except that the signal strength only shows 1 bar ? I also did the same thing to my wife's iphone 4 yesterday , hers showed the full 5 bars of signal . Wonder if I have to start it all over see that helps ?

Same here! Weak signal since yesterdays upgrade from 4.1 to 5.1.1. Used the 1st 5.1.1 (9B206). Will look for solutions but if not found will jailbrake again using 5.1.1b (9B208).
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