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Aug 13, 2011
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I am fairly new to iphone and have been playing w/ j/b. I have 4.2.6. Used jailbreakme to j/b phone. No probs but saw there are updates available on itunes for my phone. should i upgrade? And what will happen to my j/b if i do. Phone is slow at times (same as before i j/b) and wondered if new software would cure.. Or maybe its just my connection. Havnt downloaded anything from cydia & have no songs, etc on device to slow it down. And i close my apps.. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!!
buck1298 said:
I am fairly new to iphone and have been playing w/ j/b. I have 4.2.6. Used jailbreakme to j/b phone. No probs but saw there are updates available on itunes for my phone. should i upgrade? And what will happen to my j/b if i do. Phone is slow at times (same as before i j/b) and wondered if new software would cure.. Or maybe its just my connection. Havnt downloaded anything from cydia & have no songs, etc on device to slow it down. And i close my apps.. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!!

Well if you upgrade you'll lose your jailbreak and your ability to jailbreak. Unless you save your SHSH blob before jailbreaking.

iPhone 4 16Gb 4.2.8 (jbme 3.0) Moderator @ iPhoneforum staff
buck1298 said:
I am fairly new to iphone and have been playing w/ j/b. I have 4.2.6. Used jailbreakme to j/b phone. No probs but saw there are updates available on itunes for my phone. should i upgrade? And what will happen to my j/b if i do. Phone is slow at times (same as before i j/b) and wondered if new software would cure.. Or maybe its just my connection. Havnt downloaded anything from cydia & have no songs, etc on device to slow it down. And i close my apps.. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!!

If you update your phone using iTunes you'll lose your jb and you won't be to do much about it unless you save your shsh blobs. Stay with your jb and wait until ios5 and you'll be extremely happy
So there would be no benefit to upgrading to 4.2.8? And then jb? Saw others running 8 that hv jb. Basically just tryin to cure the running slow at times issue. Then again it may just be a network issue.. Idk
buck1298 said:
So there would be no benefit to upgrading to 4.2.8? And then jb? Saw others running 8 that hv jb. Basically just tryin to cure the running slow at times issue. Then again it may just be a network issue.. Idk

Well the thing is if you try updating now iTunes will put you on 4.2.10 not 4.2.8. 4.2.10 does not have a jailbreak.

iPhone 4 16Gb 4.2.8 (jbme 3.0) Moderator @ iPhoneforum staff
Ah ok thanks.. Any suggestions on the slow issue??
buck1298 said:
Ah ok thanks.. Any suggestions on the slow issue??

Well if you close you apps out then i really don't know what the issue could be. Do you mean your phone is laggy when your opening and closing apps or switching through pages, or your data connection is slow?

iPhone 4 16Gb 4.2.8 (jbme 3.0) Moderator @ iPhoneforum staff
Well sometimes the internet is very slow, just searching around the web, facebook especially is slow. Mostly apps that require internet connection. Fb, safari, ebay.. Guessin thats prob due to internet service. But ill be in same spot,at home for example, and one day its fast, one day slow. Facebook is very annoying..
buck1298 said:
Well sometimes the internet is very slow, just searching around the web, facebook especially is slow. Mostly apps that require internet connection. Fb, safari, ebay.. Guessin thats prob due to internet service. But ill be in same spot,at home for example, and one day its fast, one day slow. Facebook is very annoying..

That sounds like a network issue not a phone issue. You might live in an area with heavy Internet traffic, and that's what's causing your problems. The fast one day, slow the next, is due to network traffic. Not much you can about that man. :(

iPhone 4 16Gb 4.2.8 (jbme 3.0) Moderator @ iPhoneforum staff
Kinda what i was afraid of.. Thanks for the info, guess ill stick w/ my software for now and explore the jb. Thanks again!!
buck1298 said:
Kinda what i was afraid of.. Thanks for the info, guess ill stick w/ my software for now and explore the jb. Thanks again!!

Your welcome! :D

iPhone 4 16Gb 4.2.8 (jbme 3.0) Moderator @ iPhoneforum staff

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