''3D CamCorder''

''3D CamCorder''


New Member
Thread Starter
Sep 25, 2011
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Im new to this forum... So don't ignore my Topics.

3D CamCorder...
Because Iphone have completed their project, Iphone 5, I have an upcoming idea for Iphone 6. Apple can add a ''Professinal 3D Attachment''.
So Iphone can build in a ''3D Mode''.

This Built-in camera should be able to connect wirelessly via Bluetooth to the 3D Television. So you can watch the Clip in ''3D Mode'' and ''Professinal FULL-HD mode''.

The Phone should have a new ''CamCorder'' So you can get set and Record your best moments in 3D.
For being a newb you are quite demanding with your post. That's not the way to get anyone to read your post or answer your questions! May be next time we will read the whole thing and post positive feed back if it's do any!!
Sounds like a *Moderated* idea tbh. 3D sucks. Its a fad.

Sent from The Droid... The one you were looking for...
freebirdforever said:
Sounds like a *Moderated* idea tbh. 3D sucks. Its a fad.

Sent from The Droid... The one you were looking for...

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Im very sorry, If this topic isn't your kind of thing.
Im just discussing my idea's so I'm not doing anything wrong, It's your opinion that 3D sucks, But In my Opinion it is created for a Magnificent reason.
3D video is one of the leading causes of headache and nausea in perfectly healthy individuals.

3D video is also very cost prohibitive. It requires two cameras and very stringent lighting conditions. I don't see Apple adding that due to the battery, memory and camera costs alone.

And on a personal note, I would highly suggest you tone done your rhetoric until you have at least established a reputation.

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