4s help needed

4s help needed


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Aug 15, 2012
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just wondering if anyone can help, got the granddaughter here & her phone wont connect to bluetooth, it just searches constantly & she cant connect to my ( or hers back home) wifi anymore its greyed out , anyone help ? worked perfectly last night apparently & has been fine without problems , switched it on this morning & these problems started, have reset & restored through itunes all to no avail

just wondering if anyone can help, got the granddaughter here & her phone wont connect to bluetooth, it just searches constantly & she cant connect to my ( or hers back home) wifi anymore its greyed out , anyone help ? worked perfectly last night apparently & has been fine without problems , switched it on this morning & these problems started, have reset & restored through itunes all to no avail

you say you restored through iTunes,was that restore as a new phone?
you say you restored through iTunes,was that restore as a new phone?

yes, had to set it up again & it was just the same, wifi greyed out & bluetooth just gets the spinning wheel forever ! oh & thanks for the speedy response
yes, had to set it up again & it was just the same, wifi greyed out & bluetooth just gets the spinning wheel forever ! oh & thanks for the speedy response
thats strange,restoring as a new phone should have fixed it,is there any warranty or Apple care on this phone?
dont think so , i bought it for her off ebay about 3 months ago , its worked fine since i bought it, this just happened this morning, having said that the guy i bought it off said it was only 4 months old so i dont know tbh
no, sorry i edited as you replied, see edited post
ok,what i suggest is that you ring Apple and see if theres any warranty left on it,the fact that restoring as a new phone didn't fix it seems odd,look in Settings-General-About,here you will find the serial number Apple will need,they will be able to tell you if theres any warranty on it and what your options are,please let us know how it goes.....
thanks, will do , so its ok if i didnt buy it from apple then? they will still fix it ? or at least help me out ?
thanks, will do , so its ok if i didnt buy it from apple then? they will still fix it ? or at least help me out ?
yes,it doesn't matter where you bought it,the 12 month warranty is valid on any iphone regardless of where it was purchased,if there is warranty and it turns out to be a hardware problem they will replace it,if its a software problem then they can sort you out over the phone for a fixed fee or make you an appointment at an Apple store,here in the UK we can ring up to 8pm on Sundays.
well i called the apple helpline & they have gave me a appointment at 10:10 tomorrow morning, i gave him the im number & there is 101 days or warranty left on the phone, he claims they will just try & sort it or replace it, thanks for the help ivy you are a diamond
well i called the apple helpline & they have gave me a appointment at 10:10 tomorrow morning, i gave him the im number & there is 101 days or warranty left on the phone, he claims they will just try & sort it or replace it, thanks for the help ivy you are a diamond
thats great,I'm glad to have helped,so pleased that you have some warranty left,seems the guy was truthful about that,nice to get a happy outcome.
just a update in case anyone else has this problem ( wifi greyed out & constantly searching for bluetooth), its the chip inside that's broken if it wont work after a "restore phone as new", anyway just got a replacement, ok , now to try & find a s3 :lol:
just a update in case anyone else has this problem ( wifi greyed out & constantly searching for bluetooth), its the chip inside that's broken if it wont work after a "restore phone as new", anyway just got a replacement, ok , now to try & find a s3 :lol:
thanks for letting us know,i thought it was odd that the restore as a new phone didn't work,glad Apple got you sorted out.

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