A couple of jailbrake questions

A couple of jailbrake questions


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May 2, 2011
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Hi all

I have searched for the answers to these questions but canot find exactly what I am looking for, so apologies if they are here somewhere.

Firstly, I have read somewhere that it is possible to sync jailbroken apps with iTunes, however for some reason I can't seem to do this on either my iPhone 4 or iPad. I am using iOS 4.3.1 and iTunes 10.2.2 and both iDevices are jailbroken with AppSync installed. I have tried to sync when the device is connected and the transfer purchases option, neither work. I am not reffering to Cydia apps by the way as I realise these will not sync to iTunes. What am I doing wrong?

Secondly, as I am thinking of doing to iOS 4.3.2, I would like to backup what I have downloaded already (hence the first question) however, I have also seen you can use PKGBackup but am I right in thinking this doesn't actually backup my downloaded ipa's but just makes a list of what I have? Seems easier and cheaper to use a pen and paper or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Can't answer without breaking forum rules! Sensitive girly moderators at iPad forums already banned me for breaking their fragile hearts.

iTunes will not sync .deb, only .ipa.

Your best bet is not cut corners and do it via paper and pencil.

Take care not to brick your phone!
I just restored and updated to iOS4.3.2 using PkgBackUp on an iPod4, iPad1 and iPhone4, with no trouble except the outage of Cydia caused by Amazon. I have done it in the past with paper and pencil, and believe me it is much better with PkgBackUP. I used DropBox as the place I stored my backups. After your restore and install Cydia, download and re-install PkgBackUp first. Log into DropBox and hit Restore. A few things may not restore, so look at the log in PkgBackUP, before you close it, to see what didn't restore and then manually re-download and install them. Overall well worth the money. Also a good thing to do is use "AppInfo" to email yourself a copy of all of your installed apps before you upgrade. This will be a double check that all apps have been installed again. Just remember that some apps may not be compatible with the new iOS upgrade.

Yes,PkgBackUp, doesn't make a copy of the apps themselves, just a list of apps, but it knows the proper order to install them, so that all required packages are installed in the proper order so everything works properly. However if your using Stolen/Hacked apps and cheating the poor developers out any incentive to write any more apps, then PkgBackup won't help you.
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I just restored and updated to iOS4.3.2 using PkgBackUp on an iPod4, iPad1 and iPhone4, with no trouble except the outage of Cydia caused by Amazon. I have done it in the past with paper and pencil, and believe me it is much better with PkgBackUP. I used DropBox as the place I stored my backups. After your restore and install Cydia, download and re-install PkgBackUp first. Log into DropBox and hit Restore. A few things may not restore, so look at the log in PkgBackUP, before you close it, to see what didn't restore and then manually re-download and install them. Overall well worth the money. Also a good thing to do is use "AppInfo" to email yourself a copy of all of your installed apps before you upgrade. This will be a double check that all apps have been installed again. Just remember that some apps may not be compatible with the new iOS upgrade.


Thanks for the info, very useful, but just to get things clear, although PGKBackUp creates a list of your Apps, you still have to download them all again right? PGKBackUp just does that bit for you, is that correct?

Correct, PkgBackUp will download all your apps and install them automatically and in the correct order. This way you will have the latest versions of your apps re-installed. AppInfo will just make a list for reference purposes. On a slow DSL connection it took me about 5-8 min. to reinstall about 100 Cydia apps. Your Apple apps should be reinstalled when you restore and sync.
Can't answer without breaking forum rules! Sensitive girly moderators at iPad forums already banned me for breaking their fragile hearts.

Those "Sensitive girly moderators" are what keep this place online. Otherwise the legal repercussions could get this place shut down for good. Then you wouldn't have a place to discuss much less malign the people that are trying to help you.