A couple questions youve probably heard before about my Iphone 3GS with Ios5

A couple questions youve probably heard before about my Iphone 3GS with Ios5


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Feb 4, 2012
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let me start by saying this is my first ever iphone so I am pretty new to the layout and everything. I have a few questions that hopefully everyone could help me with. My first question, is that Ive heard the battery drains faster on IOS5 , and today was my first full day of use and I wasnt too impressed with the battery, It was better than my previous phone (an android device) but it wasnt that much better and everyone that got me to convert to iphone boasted about their battery life, Is it just that IOS5 has some bugs still or are there some things I can do to help improve my battery ? Question 2, is there a way to make it so I dont have to enter my password everytime I download a new app or update an app? Questions 3, is there a way to password protect certain pictures and photo albums, I tried a few free ones but it didnt removed to pictures from the main photo album, camera roll, which pretty much defeats the purpose of what Im trying to accomplish lol. Questions 4, and somewhat of the same type, is there a way to protect my pictures from being able to be accessed from a computer while my Iphone is plugged into it? Like how you can go into dcim and see all the pictures, again that posses a problem for me , is there a way to make it so it cant be accessed either without a password or not at all? I think thats basically it for now, thanks to those who answer any of my questions :)
Answer 1.) go to settings> location services/ and turn off location services for most of the apps. Scroll down of the location services page and tap on system services and turn off everything there.
Go to settings> brightness/ and adjust your brightness, also turn OFF auto brightness.
Go to settings> general> spotlight search/ and uncheck everything there.
Go to settings> general> restriction> ping/ turn it off.
If you don't want the iPhone to push fetch your emails, go to settings> emails contacts calendars/ and turn off push fetch there. But also keep in mind that your network signals is determining how long your iPhone battery can stand, the weaker signal you have the poor battery life you will have.
Those should help your iPhone battery life.

Answer 2.) for security reasons, there is no such a way to disable password input when downloading apps from the app store and when when updating apps.

Answer 3.) the only way to password protect your iPhone files is to set a lock screen password on the iPhone, some apps from the app store do offer password lock, but the iOS native apps do not and in order to achieve that kind of things, you will need to jailbreak your iPhone. As for your photo case, once you jailbreak your iPhone, you will need to purchase a tweak called photoAlbum+ which will then allow you to create as many as you want of password protected folders and give you the ability to move your photos from the camera roll into your folders with ease.

Answer 4.) if your pictures are located in camera roll they will always be accessible when you plug your iPhone to your computer, but once you install photoAlbum+ tweak and move your photos from the camera roll into another folder then the photos will not be accessible on your computer if that folder is password protected.

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