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About iTunes...


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Nov 22, 2010
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Another rookie question: I now have two iPhone 4s. I installed iTunes onto one of my computers and have an iTunes account. Can that one account work for BOTH iPhones on the same computer? Or is there a magic mixture of accounts/phones/computers to deal with. Ideally, my one account should be able to serve both my phones on one or several computers as long as iTunes is installed. Correct? Thanks again!
Nope, just be sure they are setup using the same iTunes account and set them up as different devices ex: 1st phone "bills iPhone 2nd "pams" iPhone.
Nope, just be sure they are setup using the same iTunes account and set them up as different devices ex: 1st phone "bills iPhone 2nd "pams" iPhone.

Hmmmm.... I think I understand. So using ONE account on TWO computers -- each with a different iPhone connected -- requires the devices to be named differently?? Or maybe it doesn't matter as long as each computer has its own iPhone (using the same account)...?
Confused? Sorry....
You can have as many devices (iPhones, iPads, iPods) as you like on one computer using one iTunes account. As long as the first time you plug it in you set it up as a new device and give it a different name to all your other devices...