[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xevnPveyD7w]Adjust iPhone Flash Color With 'Screenshot Picture' Cydia Tweak - iOS Vlog 537 - YouTube[/ame]
Screenshot Picture is a tweak that will allow you to set either a picture or a color to flash when you take screenshots. Now if you are a person that likes to take screenshots a lot and needs a little bit of change, this tweak is probably for you. After installing you will now see a new icon on your Springboard. These are the settings for this tweak where you can set a picture(from your Photos) or a color using the sliders. Whatever you set will flash every time you press the home and power button at the same time. If you're indecisive you have a random option available that will flash a random color instead. You can check out Screenshot Picture for $.99 under the Big Boss repo in Cydia.