Advice on iPhone4's lack of widgets

Advice on iPhone4's lack of widgets


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Mar 4, 2012
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So after switching from android I haven't done any "jail breaking" yet but so far have a couple annoyances with the iPhone4.
-I used to have a toggle switch to disable the lockscreen, this doesn't appear to be do-able on ip4
-having to always re-enter my password if I want to dowload a free app in the market is annoying
-lack of a "night time" mode, where the screen with flash with notifications (the only way I can rectify the phone from lighting up the room while I sleep is to set it to airplane mode which is very inconvenient in cases of emergency phone calls
-lack of widgets and desktop space...I liked on a droid how you could move certain apps/widgets to desktop while keeping the library of the ones you don't use that often in the bottom slide
-having to close the apps to save memory is inconvenient when i had an advanced task killer app that closed em all with a single push (widget)

These are just a few whiny gripes if anyone can help fix them, maybe some option I am just over-looking--like the side silence switch is good for muting sound except the alarm I need to wake up to, but keeping the vibrate off--would be appreciated.
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Your options are Jailbreak or go back to Android.

Every single item you listed can only be done under the two conditions I listed.
So after switching from android I haven't done any "jail breaking" yet but so far have a couple annoyances with the iPhone4.
-I used to have a toggle switch to disable the lockscreen, this doesn't appear to be do-able on ip4
-having to always re-enter my password if I want to dowload a free app in the market is annoying
-lack of a "night time" mode, where the screen with flash with notifications (the only way I can rectify the phone from lighting up the room while I sleep is to set it to airplane mode which is very inconvenient in cases of emergency phone calls
-lack of widgets and desktop space...I liked on a droid how you could move certain apps/widgets to desktop while keeping the library of the ones you don't use that often in the bottom slide
-having to close the apps to save memory is inconvenient when i had an advanced task killer app that closed em all with a single push (widget)

These are just a few whiny gripes if anyone can help fix them, maybe some option I am just over-looking--like the side silence switch is good for muting sound except the alarm I need to wake up to, but keeping the vibrate off--would be appreciated.


I bet your not missing the horrible battery life or the Force close errors.

Put your phone face down to prevent lighting up he room.
Entering your password to download free stuff is a security measure for your protection.
Disable the lockscreen, but then I bet your complaining about pocket dials.

Like the above mentioned, jailbreak or go back to Andy!
I bet your loving how long the battery lasts for?
I have never owned an android. But I find the battery life on the iPhone 4 appalling when compared to my last phone. My first iPhone which developed a problem had to be charged twice in the day and once in the night. Apple gave me a new one and although the battery lasts longer on this one it still needs to be charged once a day. My previous phone lasted 4 days on a single charge.
I feel your pain. I really miss being able to actually setup sound profiles sort of like on the blackberry. I also missed my widgets but like the others said; the only way you're going to even get close to that is to jailbreak it. It's really not that bad but if you're already on 5.1 that's not even an option if you have the 4S.
The phone lock widget, see this is the genius part, is that I can turn it *ON* when I want to go out of the apartment so I won't have to worry about "pocket dialing." I haven't updated to the new iOS yet, since it seemed to give me an option--I am a little pissed I had to update iTunes since my winamp playlists don't import correctly and I'm still trying to work around this problem (because I listen to an ipod all day at work). Yes the battery life is fine, though I have heard it is very low once you update to 5.1, but battery life was okay on my HTC eris too.
Are there any risks to jailbreaking? I just this thing bout a week ago and really don't want to "brick" it or whatever the apple-icable term might be (see what I did there?)
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The phone lock widget, see this is the genius part, is that I can turn it *ON* when I want to go out of the apartment so I won't have to worry about "pocket dialing." I haven't updated to the new iOS yet, since it seemed to give me an option--I am a little pissed I had to update iTunes since my winamp playlists don't import correctly and I'm still trying to work around this problem (because I listen to an ipod all day at work). Yes the battery life is fine, though I have heard it is very low once you update to 5.1, but battery life was okay on my HTC eris too.
Are there any risks to jailbreaking? I just this thing bout a week ago and really don't want to "brick" it or whatever the apple-icable term might be (see what I did there?)

No one ever "bricks" there device from jailbreaking.....if they say they did.....they don't know what bricking

If you decide to jailbreak your 4S, jut make sure oh follow the directions exactly and you should have no problems.

Not everything in Cydia (the application that's installed after the jailbreak) will work on your iPhone...some tweaks were made for certain devices and iOS versions.

Alway check compatibility with the tweak you may want to install and your device "model & iOS version".

As long as you do that you'll be fine.

I could not imagine having an iPhone that was not jailbroken.

Having to unlock my device and open the messages app just to reply to and compose a message would drive me
Having to unlock my device and open the messages app just to reply to and compose a message would drive me
You must be certifiable. It's not such an inconvenience, actually unlocking and having the message open already for me is pretty handy--except when I replied to the wrong girl by accident since i was having dual text conversations. But is there a way to set a certain mp3 for individual contacts who text you, like a ringtone but for texts, for different people?
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Sure is. Go into your Contacts app and find the person. Then, click on the Edit button at the top right. Scroll down a bit and you will see two lines, one for ringtone and one for text tone (they are set to default at the start). If you press either line, you'll go to the list of your installed ring/text tones. Pick the one you want for that person. When you are done selecting, press the Done button and that's it, you've made a custom tone for that contact. Rinse and repeat for any others you wish to change.

Hope this helps.

dont suppose there's a way to synch my bookmarks, like from google chrome, to iphone4, or I could use mozilla bookmarks but i didn't know if exporting to iphone would work; I've already had a headache updating itunes since winamp playlists won't work in it (itunes) now after update.
Been reluctant to update iphone os as well since I hear its not going over well, given that I'd like to jailbreak if I do it before or after updating the iOS would there be consequences.

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