after jailbreak, without itunes, how to get songs into my phone?

after jailbreak, without itunes, how to get songs into my phone?


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Aug 14, 2010
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Hi, first post here. Need your help. After jailbreaking my phone, i couldnt access to itunes. If thats the case, how to i put songs from my computer into my phone? HELP.
Hi, first post here. Need your help. After jailbreaking my phone, i couldnt access to itunes. If thats the case, how to i put songs from my computer into my phone? HELP.

Hello and Welcome

Cant connect ot itunes? Do you get an error?

As far as I am aware there is no way to get songs into the iphones music app, you would need to use DTunes from Cydia/Rock
actually i havent jailbreak my phone yet. im waiting for jailbreak to come out with cracked iOS 4.0.2. when i first bought my phone it is already in this version, not sure is it possible to downgrade. actually my question is, how do u guys put songs into ur phone?
actually i havent jailbreak my phone yet. im waiting for jailbreak to come out with cracked iOS 4.0.2. when i first bought my phone it is already in this version, not sure is it possible to downgrade. actually my question is, how do u guys put songs into ur phone?

Through iTunes like you normally would