Alcohoot Breathalyzer Announces Integration With Apple HealthKit

Alcohoot Breathalyzer Announces Integration With Apple HealthKit


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Jun 18, 2010
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Just in time for the holiday season, Alcohoot, the first smartphone breathalyzer with police-grade fuel-cell technology, has announced integration with Apple HealthKit in iOS 8. This will enable users to track and record their Blood Alcohol Content over time, helping them to better understand their drinking habits, and hopefully helping them to live a healthier lifestyle.

"In teaming up with Apple HealthKit, Alcohoot continues to prove itself as a driving force in the fields of smartphone technology for the quantified self," says Christopher Ayala, CEO of Alcohoot. "Alcohoot enables casual, social drinkers to accurately track their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) promoting smarter, more responsible decisions regarding their safety, health and wellness."

As you’ll know if you’ve already used a HeatlhKit-integrated app, such as a blood pressure app, for example, it’s very easy to keep track of. Once you’ve linked the two apps on your iPhone, the data will be transferred automatically from Alcohoot to Apple HealthKit.

Alcohoot is an FDA-registered medical device, and the only smartphone personal breathalyzer to have the 2014 Red Dot Award for Product Design. The Alcohoot device is available at nine Bloomingdales retail locations and 600 Target retail stores across the U.S. It can also be purchased online, from the above mentioned stores, Amazon, and from

Source: Alcohoot
Alcohoot - as ANY CONSUMER BAC measuring tool - is NOT a "clinical" device!!!
The breathalyzer used by LAW ENFORCEMENT will be the OFFICIAL "yardstick" in a court of law if you're stopped for DWI!!!
End of the day....NO CONSUMER BAC device will keep you from an arrest IF the local LE's CERTIFIED unit says you're over the legal limit (typically .08)!!!
Stay SAFE! Live to enjoy another holiday!!:D

Just in time for the holiday season, Alcohoot, the first smartphone breathalyzer with police-grade fuel-cell technology, has announced integration with Apple HealthKit in iOS 8. This will enable users to track and record their Blood Alcohol Content over time, helping them to better understand their drinking habits, and hopefully helping them to live a healthier lifestyle.

As you’ll know if you’ve already used a HeatlhKit-integrated app, such as a blood pressure app, for example, it’s very easy to keep track of. Once you’ve linked the two apps on your iPhone, the data will be transferred automatically from Alcohoot to Apple HealthKit.

Alcohoot is an FDA-registered medical device, and the only smartphone personal breathalyzer to have the 2014 Red Dot Award for Product Design. The Alcohoot device is available at nine Bloomingdales retail locations and 600 Target retail stores across the U.S. It can also be purchased online, from the above mentioned stores, Amazon, and from

Source: Alcohoot

thanks for adding an information.

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