Analyst reports that Apple store revenue/customer hits new record: $57.60

Analyst reports that Apple store revenue/customer hits new record: $57.60


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Nov 27, 2012
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Apple stores are well known popular destinations for tech lovers and not only. But exactly how popular? According to a report from analyst Horace Dediu, posted on his Asymco blog, the correct answer to the question is: extremely popular!

In his post relating sales per square foot in Apple retails stores, he claims that the Cupertino tech giant just set another record in Q1 of 2012. He apparently calculated the exact amount of revenue per customer and he came up with $57.60. The revenue generated per location was situated at $13 million for the months between January and March. The whole survey showcased that Apple is still above its competition when it comes to sales per square foot. It even beat popular clothing and jewelry mogul Tiffany & Co.

Foot traffic within Apple stores also increased quite nicely with 7%. In translation, your average Apple store probably saw the average traffic of 250,000/per store/per quarter. Dediu tries to find a reason for this trend, stating:

“The reason for this might be the increase in floor space of newer stores and the renovation of older stores. The new store throughput rate might be an upper bound due to fire regulations.”

On the other hand, I feel like more and more people have started having access to high quality technology and, as a result, of course they visit the Apple store to look at possible purchases, asking for help at the Genius Bar or just to see what’s new. And I’m not even counting the futuristic architecture of most of the Apple stores, so a trip there, might be considered just for that.

Source: Asymco

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