And T-Mobile Makes Four

And T-Mobile Makes Four


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Following on from yesterday’s story in the Wall Street Journal that Sprint is to start selling the iPhone 5 from mid-October, MacTrast today reports that it has heard from a contact in the know at T-Mobile who says that the iPhone 5 will also be launching on the T-Mobile network in mid-October, alongside Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint. According to MacTrast’s source, the T-Mobile iPhone 5 will run at 3G speeds, which marks an improvement from the 2G “edge” speeds that unlocked iPhone 4s using T-Mobile are currently stuck on. MacTrast’s T-Mobile mole had this to say about how having the iPhone 5 will benefit T-Mobile:

“We expect the addition of the iPhone, and the iPhone 5’s ability to run on our 3G network to make a significant financial difference to T-Mobile.”
As MacTrast notes, once the iPhone is available on all four networks, Apple can basically just market one unlocked iPhone in the US that is capable of running on all networks, which will be much less hassle for them, as well as giving the customer much more choice, of course.

Source: iPhone 5 To Launch Concurrently On Sprint, Verizon, AT&T & T-Mobile | MacTrast, via Cult of Mac
well if its for sprint they will find a way to get it to boost mobile. but now if you said something like metropcs; then i would change my feelings towards apple and the iphone

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