another frustrated jailbrake (4.3.3)

another frustrated jailbrake (4.3.3)


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Mar 9, 2011
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i have had my jailbrooken iphone replaced due to faulty battery. i was only getting 5 hours battery life so took it to be replaced. that iphone was running on 4.3.1 with no problems. i have now jailbroken the replaced iphone with 4.3.3 and i cant find my apps in cyida. (sbsettings, bigU movies, ireal sms, and winterboard wont install. when i click on install i get ''NOTE the requested modifications cannot be applied due to required dependencies or conflicts that cannot be automatically found or fixed :S )

any ideas ppl.. cheers in advance

ps.. the jailbrake went smooth. installed and jailbroke with no problems apart from i cant find the tweeks i mentiond above
all is fine.. i really dont know why that wasnt workin but all is fine now
good! i was gonna say some times when that happens it needs something else to install for it to work and it lists below what it needs to work
yeah pal, the jailbrake itself went ok, no problems, but i noticed when i opened cydia for the first time when its says updating database and downloading packages then ''reloading data'' i got an error message. but then on the second time it worked ok
I had problems on 4.3.3, 3G wouldn't connect, it would show data IP in sbsettings but no site would open. Other people had same exact problems with wifi. Interestingly enough that version added some battery life improvements. Use it and tell us if any problem.

Right now you can get SHSH for 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. Checked it myself via SHSHit. Get them just in case.

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