Any good sites for streaming movies.

Any good sites for streaming movies.


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Jan 27, 2012
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Leicester, England
Hello, just wondering if there was any decent sites or apps that allow me to stream movies straight to my iphone for free, i tried a site called let me watch this but it dont seem to let me watch the movie.
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Most file sharing sites online use flash player for the actual movie so you will be out of luck there. There are some apps that play movies though, probably Crackle being the most popular. They have a pretty good selection of movies and tv shows. If you really want the best selection, while not free, Netflix takes the cake, however I just noticed you are across the pond so not sure if it will work for you there. Give Crackle a shot though....
i have but i dont know how long its gona stay up need more sites as back up has a lot of live streaming. You have to pay for the app or free if JB. They have live streaming of different channels playing movies and tv shows, sports and other stuff. I have used a couple of times and have been able to watch new movies and some that are still in theaters.