anyone buy the otterbox armor yet?

anyone buy the otterbox armor yet?


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Jul 2, 2012
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available at at&t stores right now, stopped by my local store to look at it today for my iphone 4s. Was really wanting to purchase it, but had to see it in person to find out how massive it really is. Holy cow it is huge!!! Width and length aren't bad, when the sales rep opened the box I was really excited and it looked awesome, but then when I saw how thick it was, I had to turn it down. Otterbox really let me down, was so pumped for them to finally have a waterproof and bulletproof case, but when i saw the dimensions I was extremely disappointed. I understand the case is damn near impossible to damage the iPhone while using it, but seriously? How could I even fit this thing in my pocket, it's almost an inch thick! Case also seemed very very heavy, felt like it almost weighed more than the iphone itself. Only use i could see for a case this heavy duty would be construction workers dealing with heavy machinery daily, maybe police officers, or OPTIMUS PRIME lol. I understand they want to overcome life proof (which is what i currently use), and definitely made a tougher case by all means, but one of the best things about the lifeproof is how slim it is, very easy to pocket carry. Just thought i would rant for a minute, guess I'll stick with lifeproof
Don't think it's bulletproof. The only bulletproof case is literally the size of a brick and weighs about as much. It's for those that really need it. Do I have it personally, yes but I gave it to my sister-in-law. Have I seen it in action? Yes. Does action = must have? Unless you plan on running it over with senior power scooters or stepping on it for that inch boost when you need it, no.
Just wish they would have made it a more "user friendly" case. Can't imagine a lot of people wanting to carry a phone that size with them everyday. Lifeproof cases do have a few negative's, but is an all around great case and the size is very minimal
Well it's designed for rugged use like hiking, farm work, factories, etc where you expect to drop it and get it run over

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