App crashing

App crashing


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Feb 25, 2013
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Hi, I've just come across this forum and found some useful information. However, I'm not too technically minded so I'm wondering if someone could help me out please?I currently have a 4s jailbroken on 5.1.1 which I think was done using redsnow. I've had this for around 6 months and it's been running fine. However since last week, certain apps have started to crash which I think may have started occurring after I updated them through iTunes app. If I do upgrade to 6.1.2, should I do this through restoring my phone to factory settings, upgrade to 6.1.2 and then jailbreak using evasion?Thanks in advance,Adam
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Please take the next 10-15 minutes going over our Forum Rules. We recommend that for all users. In your case, I highly recommend looking over points 15.1 and 15.2 listed out below.

15.1 Piracy is illegal and the staff of neither condones nor supports it in any way. Jail breaking and hacking does NOT equal stealing or pirating!

15.2. Discussions, links, and sharing of any piracy related topics, apps, repositories, etc., will be deleted and the member will receive a warning. A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.

Pay for what you want, give the developers what they deserve. That's the beauty of pirated apps, you can't update them using iTunes. If you didn't pirate your apps, we wouldn't have this problem.

Restoring of any kind should be done straight from your computer by creating a backup of your data, restoring it, restoring the back and jailbreaking.

Thank you for your reply. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly in regards to the apps that are crashing. The 2 that I've ffound to crash are Instagram, which is free and Whatsapp which I purchased.

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