Apple 2 Watch Spoof Video is Hilarious and We Almost Wish it Was Real

Apple 2 Watch Spoof Video is Hilarious and We Almost Wish it Was Real


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Jul 27, 2011
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Could this be the ultimate Apple device? Probably not, unless you are talking about retro technology. Regardless, this is definitely one of the funniest things we've seen in a great while and we just had to share it. It's not the next generation Apple Watch 2, but it is the exciting new Apple 2 Watch!

It was created by Instructables user Aleator777 using a 3D printer and a ton of creativity. Here's a quote with a description of the details of the Apple 2 Watch:

Taking roughly a month to build, this project has just about everything a good, geeky DIY project should: 3D printing! Impressive engineering! Custom programmed microcontrollers! Mounds upon mounds of clever execution!

Packed inside that 3D-printed shell (with its perfect shade of sun-faded beige) is a Teensy microcontroller, a 1.8″ LCD screen, a rechargeable battery, and a tiny 2W speaker for emitting myriad bleeps and bloops. It even has an itty-bitty floppy drive with equally itty-bitty floppies, though they’re all for looks.

Oh, and because no Apple Watch is complete without that “digital crown,” it’s got a rotary knob for navigation/input.

Source: TechCrunch

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