Apple apologizes for white iPhone 4 delays

Apple apologizes for white iPhone 4 delays


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Staff member
May 27, 2010
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It is not often that Apple has to apologize for failing to prepare and produce a product on time but that's exactly what they've done with the iPhone 4. Apple today posted a statement apologizing for the delay of the white iPhone 4.

Apple said:
Statement by Apple on White iPhone 4

White models of Apple’s new iPhone® 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected, and as a result they will not be available until the second half of July. The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected.

You can view the full statement on Apple's site here:
I prepaid for the black, and said want to exchange for white when that becomes available. Thanks for update.
I prepaid for the black, and said want to exchange for white when that becomes available. Thanks for update.

Looks like it could be awhile. I would like the white one myself as scratches don't show up as easily on white.
really? whats so hard? they spray it white not black.. thats a big problem?:S... not that i wanted white but really?lol

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