Apple Could be Planning to Launch New iPad and iPad Mini on September 10

Apple Could be Planning to Launch New iPad and iPad Mini on September 10


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Although not yet officially confirmed, it is widely rumoured that Apple will be launching two new iPhones at a special event on September 10. However, according to Phone Arena, Apple may also be planning to launch its new iPad and iPad mini models at the same event.

The news comes via a Bloomberg article about Apple’s plans to open a new store in Tokyo, Japan, which also includes the following casual reference to iPads as well as iPhones being launched at the September 10th event: “The Cupertino, California-based company plans to introduce new versions of its phone and tablet at a Sept. 10 event, a person familiar with the matter has said.”

As Phone Arena notes, Bloomberg is usually a very credible source for Apple stories, so much so, in fact, that some think that Apple does a lot of intentional strategic leaking to Bloomberg, so this could very well be accurate.

Source: Apple will unveil not only new iPhone(s), but new iPad(s) as well on September 10th
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be true. My iPad 3 needs to be handed down so I can get a 5 ASAP. :D
I'm still using my ipad2 and have no urges to update it, When it dies on me i suppose i will replace it then.
Running out of memory space. Really thought 32GB would be enough. But with all the pictures of my grandbabies, all the books and all the PDFs for my board games (for quick reference) I am just about out of space. If I deleted just the PDFs, would have plenty of room. But I love being able to search the rules too much to give them up. LOL.
mine is 32gb too and i still have space, i do use it for storing photos of my antiques so eventually it probably will fill up, i'm going to transfer them all on to discs at some point.....another job i don't get around to doing.

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