Apple Launches iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition and 32GB and 128GB iPhone SE

Apple Launches iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition and 32GB and 128GB iPhone SE


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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple launches PRODUCT RED iPhone 7 and iPhone 7s.webp

As expected, Apple has today unveiled several new products via press release, including the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition in a bright red aluminum finish, to recognize more than 10 years of partnership between Apple and (RED). Buying the phone means that aside from getting a really smart looking device, you also get to contribute to the Global Fund to help rid the world of AIDS.

“Since we began working with (RED) 10 years ago, our customers have made a significant impact in fighting the spread of AIDS through the purchase of our products, from the original iPod nano (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition all the way to today’s lineup of Beats products and accessories for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “The introduction of this special edition iPhone in a gorgeous red finish is our biggest (PRODUCT)RED offering to date in celebration of our partnership with (RED), and we can’t wait to get it into customers’ hands.”

“Apple is the world’s largest corporate donor to the Global Fund, contributing more than $130 million as part of its partnership with (RED),” said Deborah Dugan, (RED)’s CEO. “Combining the global reach of the world’s most loved smartphone with our efforts to provide access to life-saving ARV medication in sub-Saharan Africa, customers now have a remarkable opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the Global Fund through the purchase of this new beautiful (PRODUCT)RED iPhone.”

Also somewhat hidden within the “Pricing & Availability” section of the press release for the (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 7 and iPhone 7s models, Apple revealed that it was launching 32GB and 128GB iPhone SE models that effectively double the current capacity, replacing the 16GB and 64GB versions. The starting price remains the same at $399.

The Special Edition (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will be available to order online worldwide and in stores from Friday, March 24 in the US and more than 40 countries and regions. The new iPhone SE models will be available from March 24 in 128GB and 256GB versions starting at $749.

Source: Apple

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