Apple listing some movies in iTunes Purchase History as 4K and HDR

Apple listing some movies in iTunes Purchase History as 4K and HDR


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Jun 18, 2010
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Some movies appearing as 4K and HDR in iTunes purchase history.webp

UK-based MacRumors reader Tomas Jackson has told the website that Apple has started to list some movies as 4K and HDR in iTunes purchase history. MacRumors writes that Jason posted a screenshot of his iTunes purchase history on the website’s forums that clearly shows 2016 film Passengers listed as “Movie (4K, HDR)” in the “Type” column. Even so, when Tomas tried to download the film, he was only able to do so in HD quality of either 720p or 1080p, not 4K.

Another reader said that the 2016 film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was also listed as 4K and HDR in the same way. MacRumors even went so far as to rent the film itself and confirmed that “4K, HDR” are definitely listed options in the “Type” column, but that only the 720p version was available to download.

So far, only a few films on iTunes are listed as 4K and HDR, and it looks like it is only in iTunes in certain specific regions, such as the UK and Canada, with Passengers still being listed in US iTunes as simply “Film (HD).”

Hopefully this is a sign that 4K and HDR content could be coming very soon for iTunes content and Apple TV content.

Source: Apple Listing Select Movies as 4K and HDR in iTunes Purchase History

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