Apple Newbie

Apple Newbie


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 24, 2012
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Hey All,

In the last year I got an iphone/ipad. I am new to both (but they are similar) and now find myself supporting them at my job. I am a network administrator and we just started getting iphones/ipads. Just looking for some help when there are issues I don't know how to resolve since I am new to these devices too. :)
Hello Dina and welcome to the forum! Good choice with the iphone and ipads! well any problems you might have I am sure you will find the answers here. What devices are you used to dealing with?
I started using a Droid when they first came out....I still like them and have one for my personal use. My work phone is an iphone due to me having to support them and my ipad is for personal use. I like both systems.....but haven't really decided which one I like better.....yet! lol