Apple Releases First iOS 10.3 Beta, Complete With “Find My AirPods” Feature

Apple Releases First iOS 10.3 Beta, Complete With “Find My AirPods” Feature


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Jun 18, 2010
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First iOS 10.3 beta reveals Find My AirPods feature.webp

MacRumors reports that Apple has today seeded the first iOS 10.3 beta to developers. We’ll learn more about the various features included in the update when developers start reporting them, but it looks like the biggest feature is the new “Find My AirPods” mode, which is pretty self-explanatory!

The new feature works by letting you add your AirPods to the “Find My iPhone” app along with your other Apple products. Should you then lose your AirPods, you can tap on them in the Find My iPhone app to make them play a chirping tone, which will get increasingly louder until you can locate it.

Once activated, you can choose whether to play the alarm through the left or right AirPod, or both. You’ll also be able to view the AirPods’ location on your iPhone screen, using the iPhone’s GPS to track the AirPods to the last known place that they were connected.

Sources: Apple Seeds First Beta of iOS 10.3 With 'Find My AirPods' to Developers

iOS 10.3 Beta Includes New 'Find My AirPods' Mode for Locating Lost AirPods

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