Apple Releases iTunes 11

Apple Releases iTunes 11


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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It’s finally here, yippee! Yes, as AppleInsider writes, an as most of you have probably already found out, Apple has today released iTunes 11 to the public. The update is really much more than an update, representing a complete overhaul of iTunes. The main features include a new, edge-to-edge design, custom designs for each album, movie or TV show in your library; a new store, which Apple says is a more “clean” look; the ability to play your purchases from within iCloud, including your music, movies and TV shows; the new “Up Next” feature, where you can see which songs are coming next; a new MiniPlayer, which now includes album art, and is generally smaller and more elegant, according to Apple; improved search, making it easier to find what you’re after in iTunes; and playback syncing, where iCloud will remember where you are in a movie or TV show, whether you are using your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Apple TV.

Source: Apple releases redesigned iTunes 11 with iCloud integration for Mac, Windows
I actually like itunes 11 a lot more, it looks so much better and some of the new features such as having a "backup" button or installing apps in the apps menu
It has a impressive look. Much cleaner and nice features. It was well overdue. So far I really like it and am sure others will as well.
Liking the look. Haven't interacted with it much yet, but hope it actually runs smoothly on Windows with this update
I just downloaded the update on my PC running windows xp. I was worried that it would be like the other versions and take a long time to load. It is actually more responsive and faster to load. Apps seem to come up smoothly without that long pause in between. I had to reconnect all my idevices back to my PC and "enable wifi sync" in order to do my wifi syncs again. Had to do it a couple of times, but finally got it to work. Overall, I really like the clean look. Never did like the cover flow of albums, which I don't see anymore with this update. That was a bit annoying to me.

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