Apple releases iTunes 9.2

Apple releases iTunes 9.2


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Staff member
May 27, 2010
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We've seen our fair share of iTunes updates throughout the years but none seemingly as exciting as this... the update that is really going to get your computer ready for that brand new iPhone 4 your going to be hooking up.

That's not all the update brings though, here's a brief list:

  • iBook 1.1 Support (Sync and Read Books with compatible devices)
  • PDF Book support
  • App Organization/Folder Support
  • Back-Up Speed Improvements
  • Other Speed Improvements

This update is available now, so update and get your computer ready for your new purchase in advance. If you are jailbroken, as usual, it is advised that you wait to make sure the new version can be broken.

Thanks to Brendan for the tip!
Following on from what Johnny has said Comex who developed the Spirit JB has just twittered to leave well alone for now until he has had a good look at it. I imagine all the other JB and unlocks would be needing the same caution.

Unless you are jailbroken I don't think there is a reason not to upgrade.
Thanks! Just updated! I like what I see in the APP's. The grouping by Genres.
Reduced 300 APPS to 20 icons! Make's it so easy to manage.
there are so many scam sites claiming they unlocke the new iphone and firmware before any one even has it. i would only trust dev team when it comes to jailbreaking.. new itunes they always release before firmware updates