Apple Removes Ping From iTunes, So Can We Expect iTunes 11 Soon?

Apple Removes Ping From iTunes, So Can We Expect iTunes 11 Soon?


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Jun 18, 2010
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Today, as AppAdvice reports, Ping has gone from iTunes, just as Apple said would happen a couple of weeks ago, although it was thought back a couple of weeks ago, when the news that Ping’s days were numbered broke, that Ping would disappear when iTunes 11 was released. Well, as AppAdvice says, Ping has gone, but still there is no sign of iTunes 11, and no idea of when it will be released, although it may well be any day now. AppAdvice says it’s possible we may hear more about the new iTunes at the forthcoming iPad mini launch event, rumoured to be on October 17. So far, Apple has released few details about the latest iTunes revamp. TechRadar does a great job of rounding up all the details that we currently know about and can look forward to in the new iTunes, such as a new interface, said to be very much simplified, a new-look MiniPlayer complete with the new UpNext feature, which shows you what three tracks are coming up next, and a search button. Also included in the revamp is a Preview History, and Facebook and iCloud integration, and Galleries for the artist pages. It all sounds great, let’s hope we get to see it soon!

Big thanks to Moderator AQ_OC for the heads up on this story!

Source: Ping
iTunes 11: what you need to know | News | TechRadar
IMHO iTunes gets updated way too much. Some of the stuff, like Ping, are just useless.
I'd have to agree, such as....why should it be update because of ios 6? It doesn't work any differently.
Several people speculate such that Apple has removed its social network Ping from the next version of iTunes and Apple’s CEO Tim Cook also said in response to the question of Ping social network at D10 conference…

“The customer voted and said 'this isn't something that I want to put a lot of energy into'.”

Nevertheless, from the Cook’s statement one thing is cleared that trend would continue. But I think Apple will discontinue Ping and release new version of iTunes which would be free from Ping.

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