Apple Retail Stores Starting to Match Carriers’ iPhone Savings

Apple Retail Stores Starting to Match Carriers’ iPhone Savings


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Jun 18, 2010
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Yet more signs are emerging that Apple is about to launch its next iPhone, with word from MacRumors that Apple Retail stores have been given the go-ahead to match the discounted deals on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S models that third-party retailers and several carriers have been offering over the past couple of weeks. Officially, Apple is supposed to still be offering the phones at the same un-discounted price as before, but MacRumors has managed to obtain documentation that reveals that Apple’s retail stores have been told that they can match the discounted prices from certain approved retailers and carriers, including Best Buy, Radio Shack, Target, and Sprint. MacRumors says that if you ask for the discount in an Apple retail store (not online), and cite your source for the lower price, Apple will sell you an iPhone 4S or iPhone 4 for $49.01 off the full price.

Source: Apple Retail Stores Begin Price Matching iPhone Discounts from Carriers and Major Retailers - Mac Rumors

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