Apple Retail Stores Will Have AirPods in Stock This Monday Morning

Apple Retail Stores Will Have AirPods in Stock This Monday Morning


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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AirPods will be available in retail stores from Monday.webp

MacRumors reports that Apple Retail stores will be selling AirPods in store from Monday, December 19, according to their sources. Apparently the product is already on its way to the stores now. Carrier stores and Apple Authorized Resellers will also be getting stock, and Apple has said that shipments for all of the above will be ongoing and regular from now on.

This will be your only other chance to buy AirPods before the holidays, as current shipping estimates for online orders are at least six weeks.

It’s expected that those people who managed to get in quickly and order their AirPods before they sold out will be receiving them at the beginning of next week.

MacRumors also reports that Apple has just revealed that should your AirPods need repairing after their 1-year warranty expires, it will cost you a flat fee of $69. Also, out-of-warranty battery service for AirPods that lose their battery capacity will be $49. Replacing a damaged or lost AirPod or charging case will incur a flat fee of $69, whether or not the AirPods are still within their warranty period.

Hi l have mentioned this link up cable before, but you have no doubt forgotten about it.
But if you have ordered your Apple AirPods l believe this has be a partner to them. And for only a 10.00
Against 70.00 if 1 is kaput what have you got to lose.

Don't wait

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