Apple’s New Lightning Connector Will Not Work With All Accessories Even With Adaptor

Apple’s New Lightning Connector Will Not Work With All Accessories Even With Adaptor


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple proudly introduced its new Lightning dock connector yesterday, with the iPhone 5, iPod touch and iPod nano being the first devices to be fitted with the connector. Although the new connector will only be compatible with new accessories made especially for it (and currently only made in-house by Apple), it was thought that the new adaptors that would also be on sale would solve the problem for anyone who wanted to use their new device with old equipment. Now though, What HiFi? says that even the new, costly adaptor might not solve the problem, as the new Lightning connector is not compatible with all old devices, mainly because it does not output an analogue signal, meaning that any equipment that requires an analogue audio signal (i.e. lots of equipment!) will not work with the connector. In fact it even says on Apple’s own site that “some 30-pin accessories are not supported.” Apple has apparently told What HiFi? that the connector should work fine with current docks, but they have yet to confirm this is the case. Apparently other tech websites are also convinced that the Lightning connector will not output an analogue audio signal.

Source: iPhone 5 and iPods won't work with some existing kit

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