Apple Said to be Testing LTE iOS 5 Devices

Apple Said to be Testing LTE iOS 5 Devices


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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors is reporting that it has discovered a property list file (.plis) for LTE in the last two iOS 5 beta builds. Apparently the file was only found in the GSM iPhone 4 and CDMA iPad 2 builds, and was related to Apple’s in-house Fieldtest app. This follows on from Boy Genius Report’s story last week that Apple had supplied some of its major carriers with a 4G LTE-enabled iPhone for testing purposes. Boy Genius Report also said at the time that a .plist had been found in an internal iOS test build of one of Apple’s major carriers. MacRumors also notes that last week Forbes reported that Apple was advertising for field test engineers who had LTE experience, with particular emphasis on the LTE aspect of the job. However, MacRumors adds a note of caution regarding the next iPhone, due this October, saying that it does not think that the required LTE chipsets are ready for the next iPhone, although they could well be ready by the time the iPad 3 is released in 2012.

Source: Apple Testing LTE in iOS 5 and Hiring More LTE Engineers - Mac Rumors

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