Apple Says Face ID Worked Just as it Should at iPhone X Launch

Apple Says Face ID Worked Just as it Should at iPhone X Launch


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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The iPhone X Face ID did not fail during demo according to Apple.webp

It’s not often that Apple makes a mistake during one of its presentations, but when they occur, they’re big news, usually winding up on the next “Apple Bloopers” compilation on YouTube. So, when Craig Federighi tried to unlock the iPhone X with Face ID at the Apple keynote on Monday and it prompted him for his unlock passcode instead, it was an embarrassing moment for Apple in front of so many millions of viewers, even though it worked perfectly when Federighi tried it a few minutes later.

However, 9to5 Mac reports that this might not have been such a fail after all, as according to Apple, it actually showed how secure Face ID actually is.

In a statement to Yahoo on the matter, Apple said that several people had handled the demo iPhone X before Federighi tried to unlock it, and having tried and failed to authenticate their faces several times, by the time it got to Federighi he was required to enter his passcode as a security measure, just as happens when you don't use Touch ID correctly.

“After failing a number of times, because they weren’t Craig, the iPhone did what it was designed to do, which was to require his passcode,” said Apple, adding, “Face ID worked as it was designed to.”

Source: Apple explains what exactly happened when Face ID ‘failed’ during iPhone X demo
Don't get me wrong, l don't love or hate Apple.
I saw what happened it just made the whole experience more real in my eyes. The guy was confused for a second or 2.
But went on like a true professional. Glad to see this Face system has protection just like the Finger Print in that it asks for the code after after a number of false tries.
Let me start by saying that I love apple. Everything apple everyday. I'll defend them for everything.

Now... I'm sorry but that whole thing is such a bs excuse. It really is.
I can sympathise with your thoughts.
When you buy one, and try the system for yourself maybe you would believe it.

If it doesn't work, as expected you have 14 days to take it back l understand.
Or stick around on here, an owner is bound to comment on it.

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