Apple Signs Three-Year Chip Deal With TSMC Instead of Samsung

Apple Signs Three-Year Chip Deal With TSMC Instead of Samsung


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple continues to sever its relationship with Samsung as much as possible, according to a new report from DigiTimes, via BGR today, which says that Apple has apparently just inked a three year deal with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the biggest chip manufacturer in the world, effectively ending all Samsung’s involvement in making chips for the iPhone and iPad. Apparently some of the chipsets that TSMC is now contracted by Apple to manufacture are the A8, A9 and A9X chipsets, with production work on the A8 expected to begin next month, although in small volumes only, for testing purposes. BGR says that the A8 will have a 20-nanometer process, whereas the A9 and A9X chipsets will have 16-nanometer and 10-nanometer processes respectively. It is reported that the A8 chip is for the iPhone 6, with the A7 chip currently in production for the iPhone 5S. Further on down the line, the A9 and A9X chipsets are thought to be lined up for Apple’s 2015 and 2016 devices. [/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]Source:[/FONT] Apple TSMC Processors: Apple Dumps Samsung, Looks to TSMC for Chips | BGR

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