Apps cannot restore after migrate from iphone 6 plus to iphone 7 plus

Apps cannot restore after migrate from iphone 6 plus to iphone 7 plus


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Nov 15, 2016
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Hi Sir/Madam,

Re: Old Phone : Iphone 6 Plus IOS 10.x
New Phone: Iphone 7 Plus IOS 10.x
I have bought the iphone 7 plus and performed backup and restore all the apps and data from iphone 6 plus. both iphone is running ios 10 and everything fine after restore. but one apps cannot restore to iphone 7 plus due to the reason is the apps unavailable in apps store now. so the apps cannot download from their. I have searched more information on internet but not found any solution. the apps is purchased item and so important. Everybody can guide me how to transfer the apps to New Iphone ? Or have any methods after jailbreak ?

P.S the apps program and data still in Iphone 6 Plus. Pls help

Best Regards
Welcome to iPhoneForums!

Did you backup your iPhone through iCloud, or did you use a computer with iTunes installed to backup your device?
I haven't use iCloud but have use computer with iTunes to performed backup and restore in previous.
All of the other apps can restore due to the such apps can download from apps store.
But i mentioned one apps cannot restore due to the apps unavaiable and cannot download in apps store.
So i want to ask have another method to transfer the apps from old phone to new phone. tks
I haven't use iCloud but have use computer with iTunes to performed backup and restore in previous.
All of the other apps can restore due to the such apps can download from apps store.
But i mentioned one apps cannot restore due to the apps unavaiable and cannot download in apps store.
So i want to ask have another method to transfer the apps from old phone to new phone. tks
When your old iPhone is connected to iTunes on your computer you have to transfer purchases from the iPhone to the iTunes library on your computer. Then, when you connect your new iPhone to iTunes on your computer you can set it up from the backup of your old iPhone and those apps that are no longer in the App Store will download to your new iPhone from the iTunes library on your computer.
When your old iPhone is connected to iTunes on your computer you have to transfer purchases from the iPhone to the iTunes library on your computer. Then, when you connect your new iPhone to iTunes on your computer you can set it up from the backup of your old iPhone and those apps that are no longer in the App Store will download to your new iPhone from the iTunes library on your computer.

I have done this action but no apps download from iTunes library. my performed step is :
1) Transfer purchase (but i don't know the apps have transfer or not)
2) Backup from old iphone
3) Restore to new iphone

You can tell if the apps have transferred to your iTunes library from your old iPhone by looking at the list of apps in your iTunes library.

I use an iTunes sync all the time as a way to get apps on my iPhone that are in the iTunes library on my computer but are no longer in the App Store or my purchase history.
You can tell if the apps have transferred to your iTunes library from your old iPhone by looking at the list of apps in your iTunes library.

I use an iTunes sync all the time as a way to get apps on my iPhone that are in the iTunes library on my computer but are no longer in the App Store or my purchase history.

I missing mention in previous post.
1) I also have performed sync before backup.
2) The apps should be free but i purchase is items in apps (in apps purchase)

where to looking the apps in iTunes library ? is it press "apps" in iTunes, Left hand side is a list of the apps and the right hand side is the screen of iphone, right ? if yes, I'm not found any apps in the list of the left hand side after performed transfer purchase,sync and backup.

have i do wrong step or else ?
If you have apps on your iPhone that are not in your iTunes library, transferring purchases would copy them to your iTunes library and they would be visible in that list. If nothing is transferring, maybe you don't actually have any apps on your iPhone that aren't in your iTunes library.
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If you have apps on your iPhone that are not in your iTunes library, transferring purchases would copy them to your iTunes library and they would be visible in that list. If nothing is transferring, maybe you don't actually have any apps on your iPhone that aren't in your iTunes library.

Ensure that the apps in my old iphone. it can running smoothly.
I just tried to transfer purchase, sync again but still nothing apps in iTunes library (list of the apps on left hand side)

Have anther methods ?
Ensure that the apps in my old iphone. it can running smoothly.
I just tried to transfer purchase, sync again but still nothing apps in iTunes library (list of the apps on left hand side)

Have anther methods ?
Are you able to see the transferred apps if you look in the apps section of iTunes when your iPhone is not connected to your computer?
Are you able to see the transferred apps if you look in the apps section of iTunes when your iPhone is not connected to your computer?

No any apps in apps section of iTunes

Besides, i remember that above itunes method just only work on ios 9 or before, not work on ios 10.
but i don't know it true or not.

Have any method even jailbreak ?

Hope everybody can help. tks
It works for me on iOS 10. As yet there is no jailbreak for iOS 10.
My old iphone is using ios 10.0.2 and no jailbreak. Can u advise the steps to me and let me try again ? tks
The way I do it is the same as the method I posted about earlier in this thread. It works for me every time without fail.
Is iTunes on your computer updated to the latest version 12.5.3? iOS 10.1.1 is the latest version of iOS.