auto correct issue

auto correct issue


Thread Starter
Mar 4, 2012
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So having switched from android to iphone4s--i haven't jb'd it--the only issue i have is that android was really user friendly at creating new words. even if they're slang or internet jargon like "ikr" or "dmnds" but my main problem with the ip4 is that it pretends to be stupid when I mistype "bad words." it won't learn to type it normally and other than trying to focus as I type so I don't misspell it I have had no luck teaching the phone to learn to spell and other words of that nature.
So any ideas or help? Using standard text defaul app.
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You can turn off auto correct in settings (settings>general>keyboard) and you should see options for auto correct and stuff like that.
auto correct itself is great cuz i'm always mistyping SO much that i barey even attept to type with any accuracy--hence my poor spelling now
I just want auto correct to learn to spell the 7 dirty words that i use like regular adjectives
my one seems to learn new words but only after a few times of typing it and then it puts red lines under them and its up to me if i want to change it :p
auto correct itself is great cuz i'm always mistyping SO much that i barey even attept to type with any accuracy--hence my poor spelling now
I just want auto correct to learn to spell the 7 dirty words that i use like regular adjectives
Voidchaser i just edited two of the "dirty" words you want auto correct to learn,it was obvious what they were even with one asterisk changed,i suggest if you want to stay on this forum you dont include any of the 7 "dirty" words,this is a family forum.
auto correct itself is great cuz i'm always mistyping SO much that i barey even attept to type with any accuracy--hence my poor spelling now
I just want auto correct to learn to spell the 7 dirty words that i use like regular adjectives

Yes, I agree with my fellow Moderator. Please contain your "7 dirty words" to yourself and not pollute the forum.
Actually, autocorrect does appear to learn over time. There is no such word as iPadForums in the English language, but my iPhone just corrected it and included the capitalizations for me, presumably because I type it so often.

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