AWESOME iPhone Keyboard Shortcuts With 'KBShortcuts' For iPhone And iPod Touch

AWESOME iPhone Keyboard Shortcuts With 'KBShortcuts' For iPhone And iPod Touch

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=]AWESOME iPhone Keyboard Shortcuts With 'KBShortcuts' For iPhone And iPod Touch - iOS Vlog 535 - YouTube[/ame]​

KBShortcuts adds a load of new shortcut functions on your iPhone or iPod Touch keyboard. You can pop open any app where you use a keyboard, simply tap on the space bar, and slide to certain characters to perform different actions. Swiping from Space Bar to "?" will show a menu of all the different options you have. Things like; Previous Letter, Define Word, Search, Previous Word, and many many more. You can set some of you own text shortcuts that will allow you to quickly paste a set phrase or word. Overall this tweak can be very helpful to some, especially since we have no arrow keys and have to use that bloody magnifier to fix a word, now you can just use a shortcut to move back of forward. Be sure to check out KBShortcuts in the Cydia Store for $2.50 to experience all of it's amazing features.