Baby Monkey Nala Plays with iPhone

Baby Monkey Nala Plays with iPhone


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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[ame=""]Baby monkey Nala says NO Iphone puppy - YouTube[/ame]​

[FONT=&quot]Sometimes, you just have to give in to the cuteness! Sometimes you see a video so cute that you can’t help but smile, and Yahoo! News aims to make us all do just that today by highlighting this really delightful video of a baby Black Cap Capuchin monkey called Nala playing with, and clearly fascinated by, her owner’s iPhone and also pushing away the family’s puppy dog, Miss Millie, so that she can have the iPhone all to herself. According to Yahoo! News, the video was made by Nala and Miss Millie’s owner, Jennifer Thall, who lives in Las Vegas, NV. An earlier video that Jennifer posted where Nala plays some sort of pinball game on her owner’s iPhone (or maybe it’s Nala’s iPhone!) has already gone viral, with over 115,000 views. In her comments underneath the video, Jennifer says that she has two autistic sons who greatly enjoy and benefit from Nala’s antics. [/FONT]

Source: Viral video: baby monkey is obsessed with the iPhone - smacks inquisitive puppy - Yahoo! News

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