Back-up vs. Synch

Back-up vs. Synch


New Member
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Jan 26, 2011
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I am confused about the difference between an iPhone synch and a back-up. When I attempt a synch, it can take over 3 hours. Is it supposed to take that long? When I do a back-up, it usually takes under 15 minutes. Why such a difference? Also, when I add new photos onto my phone, should I just do a back-up tp keep the photos on my PC? How often do you recommend a synch and/or back-up? Thanks.
Backup archives the data on your device onto your computer. Syncing matches the data in your iTunes library with your device. If the data is not present on the device, it will be cloned over. If it's on your device and not in your iTunes library, it'll be deleted.