Backing up phone to MacBook

Backing up phone to MacBook


Active Member
Thread Starter
Oct 1, 2016
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South Wales UK
Good morning to all. Haven't been here for a while things are working very good.
Just one question regarding backing my iPhone to MacBook using iTunes.What exactly does it backup does it backup all the photos etc.And how much space does a phone normally take on the hdd of MacBook.
I have all on iCloud at this moment do I also need to backup to my laptop.
Many Thanks.David.
There is a good Apple article linked below which explains exactly what does and doesn't get backed up to iCloud/Mac.

About backups for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

It would appear that iPhone backups to iCloud or Mac via iTunes DO NOT include all your photos, as these are already stored separately in iCloud by the apps that handle them. I would suggest that backups to your Mac may be a bit superfluous seeing you back up to iCloud regularly, particularly if space is an issue on your Mac.