Banking app that replaces laptop?

Banking app that replaces laptop?


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 31, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I am new to the boards here and I am looking for an app that will allow my wife and I to strictly use our iPhones to manage our daily banking and expenses instead of using Quicken on our laptop. Is there an app out that will do this? What I am looking for is something where we can enter stuff on the go and then it will somehow sync up our 2 phones so we both know when the other has bought something as my wife is terrible with logging receipts in the laptop program. I have looked around and really haven't been able to find anything, but thought I would post here and see if someone knows of anything.

Thank you

don't you mean something like a housekeeping book, where you can enter your expenses to be synchronized, instead of a banking app?
yeah i guess that's what i mean. Guess I didn't word it properly. Sorry about that.
Patrick! I guess you can download the banking app from your bank's website. I recently downloaded HDFC's iOS banking app. I am confused whether it is safer than internet banking else I would have loved to go for mobile banking. Any mobile banking user here?? plz, share your experience...
I found an app called Accounts 2 checkbook. It allows you to sync across devices. So far it's really cool and it will allow us (mainly my wife) to record transactions on the go and also doesn't make us be tied down to a desktop/laptop.
I just joined iPhone forum so I could respond to this thread.

I also use Accounts2 and highly recommend it. I've never had a problem. It's easy to use and way easier than a paper check register.
Awesome. Only thing that I still gotta figure out is if/when you need to restore your backup. Other than that, i am really enjoying it. Was worth the $1.99 for the app