Battery Indicator Issue

Battery Indicator Issue


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May 24, 2011
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In the last few days, when I look at the phone in the morning, after having been on the charger all night, the charger indicator says 94%. It IS plugged into reliable power. And, it stays on and in standby all the time.

Yesterday, I let the phone discharge below 20% (for the first time in the 2 1/2 months I've had it) and then turned it completey off to charge. After a couple of hours it read 100%. This morning it's back to 94% again.

I do have it in a cradle charging most of the time, with it's primary job as the internet connection for my tethered iPad or laptop. I also have the cradle affixed with an inductively coupled antenna for my booster, which is why it's on the cradle most of the time.

Any comments or experiences like this?? Thanks.

Do you close all of your apps...something is pulling that charge. Secondly try charging from the provided charger. If none of that works. I suggest talking to apple bc it might be a hardware issue
Hi, iCrank. Ya, I think you're on to something. A while ago, I switched from a charging/power block that I got when I bought the phone - an aftermarket accessory, which has two USB charging ports on it - to the original.

Switching the charge to the original white charger block has brought the charge level right up to 100% quickly. That seems to have been the problem indeed, and another overnigher will confirm, I'm sure.

I have been taking to shutting down all apps on the phone at night before retiring, so I'm sure it wasn't that. I don't know of any apps that are charge-hungry enough to draw the battery down when it is plugged in to charger power anyway.


bingoldsby said:
Hi, iCrank. Ya, I think you're on to something. A while ago, I switched from a charging/power block that I got when I bought the phone - an aftermarket accessory, which has two USB charging ports on it - to the original.

Switching the charge to the original white charger block has brought the charge level right up to 100% quickly. That seems to have been the problem indeed, and another overnigher will confirm, I'm sure.

I have been taking to shutting down all apps on the phone at night before retiring, so I'm sure it wasn't that. I don't know of any apps that are charge-hungry enough to draw the battery down when it is plugged in to charger power anyway.



Yeah apps shouldn't do that but making sure they're close ensures me that it couldn't be that. Now with the aftermarket chargers, you'll run into issues like this. Reason why it's recommended to charge from the provided charger.
You should do a full phone cycle at least once a month as well, run the battery all the way down or to below 20% (it will tell you it is) and then charge it back up. I generally actually do 2 full cycles in a row and any battery issues my phone has (leeching, draining fast, not charging) all are fixed! Also, I'm sure this isn't an issue, but some outlets have a higher voltage than others and will charge the phone more quickly.. (i.e. computer usb port vs regular white outlet...)
fstlye...., I've read that the battery should go down to <20% once in a while. However, I've also read innumerable times that lithium ion batteries do not have a "memory" problem and that going down to near-discharged levels is unnecessary. What to believe!!
fstlye...., I've read that the battery should go down to <20% once in a while. However, I've also read innumerable times that lithium ion batteries do not have a "memory" problem and that going down to near-discharged levels is unnecessary. What to believe!!

Yeah, to be honest, the batteries in iPhones aren't too shabby and that was mainly stuff I've heard from the "geniuses" and sometimes the things they say are kinda inaccurate or off. The only thing I know is that my computer (I'm not sure if the battery is different) was never "set" and now a MBP I bought last month's battery lasts only about an hour now... But, that is off topic, just an example..

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