Battery Maintenance.>Should I drain before rechargng?

Battery Maintenance.>Should I drain before rechargng?


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Jan 4, 2012
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Should I drain my iPhone 4s battery before recharging? I've had the phone for about a week and I keep recharging it when the battery indicator is about that bad?
you should let it get down to about 2 or 3 percent and then charge it all the way back up..not good for it to be charging it when its gets to half way
you should let it get down to about 2 or 3 percent and then charge it all the way back up..not good for it to be charging it when its gets to half way

Wrong. This will be long but here i go... It doesn't matter at all how you recharge your iPhone battery, you can recharge it from 80% you can recharge it from 40% you can recharge it from 5% to 25% stop the recharge at 25% and later recharge it again. Your battery will be just fine and like Steve said "It just works". With that being said, it's highly advice to perform a complete cycle at least once in a month (the battery need to exercise to stay healthy), a complete cycle is that you have to run drain the battery juice from 100% to 0% and charge it back from 0% to 100% (it's advice to do so if you do not use the phone everyday so the battery can exercise at least once in a month and recalibrate the battery percentage reading) but that's not all of it, it's not NECESSARY to one who use the iDevice everyday to draining the battery from 100% all the way down to 1% and then recharge it till 100% again. (remember, the main point is to have the battery running, it doesn't matter how). Perform a complete cycle at least once in a month also mean that you should at least arrive to drain 100% of battery life out from the battery and charge it 100% back again which means that let's say you have 100% before leave home Monday morning, in the evening you back home and battery is at 80% (used 20%) cause you didn't really use the phone, but you plug it in and charge. In the Tuesday morning you have 100% (charged back in 20%) before leaving home and come back home with 30% (used 70%) you plug it in and recharge till 100% (charge back in 70%). Wednesday evening you come back home with 90% remaining (used 10%) you plug it in to recharge till 100% (charge back in 10%)
If you sum up all the usage % here you have 100% of usage during those 3days, same to the charge back in. At that point, you have complete one full cycling of the battery which is also fully comparable to if you drain from 100% to 0% then charge back to 100% again. Know that your iPhone battery is having 100 of complete cycles available, after that 100 complete cycles, your battery will lose some of its power and will no longer hold 100% of charge as it used to. So while apple advice 1 complete cycle a month, you will hardly burn 100 cycle in a year if you are like me. But when you deliberately decide to drain out battery life to 0 or 2% then fully recharge it, you are using and killing way faster your battery cycles, one thing is sure, after 100 cycles your battery will hold only 90 or 80% of charge.
I do not understand why many of you think that I must drain from 100 to 2 or 3% and charge back to 100% to have a good battery, and do not understand why it's bad to recharge the battery when it's at 70% when you know that the kind of battery in your iPhone is nowhere affected with memory stuff.
Now what a business man/woman in all his/her right mind want to take care of an iPhone battery and pay attention to when to charge it and when to not charge it? Apple target businessers who need things to work and easy to handle and to interact with, Apple's batteries come first on the list in that care point.
For the record, I'm having a really amazing battery life experience with my iPhone, and my MacBook pro, and never I have followed those rumors asking to avoid charging this and that and what so ever.
My 2cents.
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I think one reason for doing a complete cycle once in a while is to keep the battery monitor calibrated.

My phone was shutting down at 10% remaining and I was advised by someone on here to perform a couple of complete drain and charge cycles. So far it seems to have helped.
bab2010 said:
Wrong. This will be long but here i go... It doesn't matter at all how you recharge your iPhone battery, you can recharge it from 80% you can recharge it from 40% you can recharge it from 5% to 25% stop the recharge at 25% and later recharge it again. Your battery will be just fine and like Steve said "It just works". With that being said, it's highly advice to perform a complete cycle at least once in a month, a complete cycle is not necessary draining the battery from 100% all the way down to 1% and then recharge it till 100% again. Perform a complete cycle at least once in a month also mean that you should at least arrive to drain 100% of battery life out from the battery and charge it 100% back again which means that let's say you have 100% before leave home Monday morning, in the evening you back home and battery is at 80% (used 20%) cause you didn't really use the phone, but you plug it in and charge. In the Tuesday morning you have 100% (charged back in 20%) before leaving home and come back home with 30% (used 70%) you plug it in and recharge till 100% (charge back in 70%). Wednesday evening you come back home with 90% remaining (used 10%) you plug it in to recharge till 100% (charge back in 10%)
If you sum up all the usage % here you have 100% of usage during those 3days, same to the charge back in. At that point, you have complete one full cycling of the battery which is also fully comparable to if you drain from 100% to 0% then charge back to 100% again.
I do not understand why many of you think that I must drain from 100 to 2 or 3% and charge back to 100% to have a good battery, and do not understand why it's bad to recharge the battery when it's at 70% when you know that the kind of battery in your iPhone is nowhere affected with memory stuff.
Now what a business man in all his/her right mind want to take care of an iPhone battery and pay attention to when to charge it and when to not charge it? Apple target businessers who need things to work and easy to handle and to interact with, Apple's batteries come first on the list in that care point.
For the record, I'm having a really amazing battery life experience with my iPhone, and my MacBook pro, and never I have followed those rumors asking to avoid charging this and that and what so ever.
My 2cents.

Thats some long reply I like it though:):)

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Wrong. This will be long but here i go... It doesn't matter at all how you recharge your iPhone battery, you can recharge it from 80% you can recharge it from 40% you can recharge it from 5% to 25% stop the recharge at 25% and later recharge it again. Your battery will be just fine and like Steve said "It just works". With that being said, it's highly advice to perform a complete cycle at least once in a month, a complete cycle is not necessary draining the battery from 100% all the way down to 1% and then recharge it till 100% again. Perform a complete cycle at least once in a month also mean that you should at least arrive to drain 100% of battery life out from the battery and charge it 100% back again which means that let's say you have 100% before leave home Monday morning, in the evening you back home and battery is at 80% (used 20%) cause you didn't really use the phone, but you plug it in and charge. In the Tuesday morning you have 100% (charged back in 20%) before leaving home and come back home with 30% (used 70%) you plug it in and recharge till 100% (charge back in 70%). Wednesday evening you come back home with 90% remaining (used 10%) you plug it in to recharge till 100% (charge back in 10%)
If you sum up all the usage % here you have 100% of usage during those 3days, same to the charge back in. At that point, you have complete one full cycling of the battery which is also fully comparable to if you drain from 100% to 0% then charge back to 100% again.
I do not understand why many of you think that I must drain from 100 to 2 or 3% and charge back to 100% to have a good battery, and do not understand why it's bad to recharge the battery when it's at 70% when you know that the kind of battery in your iPhone is nowhere affected with memory stuff.
Now what a business man in all his/her right mind want to take care of an iPhone battery and pay attention to when to charge it and when to not charge it? Apple target businessers who need things to work and easy to handle and to interact with, Apple's batteries come first on the list in that care point.
For the record, I'm having a really amazing battery life experience with my iPhone, and my MacBook pro, and never I have followed those rumors asking to avoid charging this and that and what so ever.
My 2cents.

Can you just go through that again please? (Laughs out loud)

iHolophyte said:
Can you just go through that again please? (Laughs out loud)


Writing all that must have used a lot of battery:) :)

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I re-edited my previous very long post :) I added some more info into it.
Writing all that must have used a lot of battery:) :)

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Well I'm at home, so no worries, plus I can recharge it anytime, I do not need to wait till battery reach 2 or 3% before:) btw let me plug it now before I forget.

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