Best Buy to Stock Verizon iPhone 4 from February 10

Best Buy to Stock Verizon iPhone 4 from February 10


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Best Buy announced today that it will be stocking the Verizon iPhone 4 in Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile specialty stores across the country from February 10, launch day for the Verizon iPhone 4.

"The iPhone 4 is an important device for Best Buy and we are excited to help Apple and Verizon Wireless bring it to even more consumers,” said Shawn Score, president of Best Buy Mobile. “Our customers have come to expect Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile stores to carry the best selection of mobile phones anywhere, and offering the iPhone 4 on Verizon’s network is our latest effort to deliver on that promise.”

The iPhone 4 on Verizon Wireless retails for $199 for the 16GB model and $299 for the 32GB model. Currently only Best Buy, Apple and Verizon have announced that they will be selling the Verizon iPhone 4, with Apple today announcing its pre-order opportunity for Verizon Wireless’s 94 million customers starting tomorrow.

Source: Best Buy
Anyone know if you can finance the purchase price of a phone off contract if you buy through Best Buy?

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