[Blog Post] How to make an app using the Applits App Idea Competition

[Blog Post] How to make an app using the Applits App Idea Competition


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Jul 11, 2012
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How to make an app using the Applits App Idea Competition
(original blog post found here)

Even with all the apps in the Google and Apple app stores, there are still an untold number of apps that are undeveloped, stuck in the minds of app users. There are many companies out there that try to help those with Android and iPhone app ideas see their ideas turned into reality. Some of these sites use crowd funding to help pay for the app development. Unfortunately, these sites still require you to hire a team of devlopers for you, yourself, to manage, and app development can easily go over budget – leaving you stranded.

Next, there are the sites that allow you to submit your app idea to them, but you have to pay the company in order to do so. On top of this, the developers get to choose what apps are made, leaving the everyday user powerless once again.

Now there is Applits: A social take on app development. Applits allows you to submit your app idea for free, and allows the crowd to literally pick the idea that they want most. Think of the Applits competition as a crowdsourced lottery, but you have a lot of influence if your idea wins or not. Here are a few ways to improve your chances of winning our competition, and snagging the grand prize:

1. The first way to get your idea noticed is by coming up with a completely original idea. Try to pick an app idea that no one has thought of before and that isn’t already on the Android or iPhone markets. Better yet, do a quick search on your own smartphone to see if anything terribly similar is already out there. We love creative ideas, and if it’s too similar to any existing app we’ll be forced to deny your submission!

2. On the “upload images” page, include an icon and some sketch work. If you have some visuals with your idea, you’ll have a greater chance of winning the app competition. People like visuals…graphics…charts… so if you can, try to make a drawing of what you want your app to look like. If you have a friend that’s good with graphics, they can always help you too. After all, a picture tells a thousand words, right? Heck, even let your friend know that if you win, you’ll toss him a couple hundred bucks of your prize money.

3. Once the competition starts (during “voting week”), you’ll receive an email with the link to your idea. With this link, you can tell your friends about your idea. Telling your friends about your idea is a great way to get it noticed right off the bat, and increases the chance that other site participants notice it, read it over, and perhaps vote it up themselves.

We over here at Applits have already seen some amazing app ideas that have been submitted. Keep ‘em coming! We’re looking forward to see what else you guys and gals come up with!

Lastly, we wanted to let you all know that Applits recently received some great press on Betakit. We’d like to give a big thank-you to Betakit for the opportunity & interview!

Thanks all, we'll see you around Applits.com! T-minus 2 weeks until voting week, so be sure to get your submissions in before then!

Joshua Tucker
Co-founder and CFO of Applits