Bluetooth Issues with Iphone4S

Bluetooth Issues with Iphone4S


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Feb 22, 2012
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I am a new owner of an Iphone4S. I have successfully paired my phoned to the Bluetooth Audio in my car. However, I attempted to pair a second Bluetooth Device, a Bose Bluetooth Headset. This pairing also was successful, but then my bluetooth in the auto was disabled. I went through this process twice! What am I doing wrong?


Are you trying to use both bluetooth devices at the same time? I believe that the iPhone can only be paired with one bluetooth at a time. However, you should not have to go through the entire process of re syncing each device. That should be saved in your phone but you can only use one at a time...
No, I have not tried to use both Bloethtooth Devices at the same time. However, when both are paired successfully the Bose Headset works and Bluetooth Audio is then rendered inactive. To correct this problem I have to delete both devices and simply pair the connection in my vehicle again. I am wondering if there is a function on the phone that I need to manually set depending upon which devicse I am using?
Once you have a profile setup, it should remember it the next time you are within range. You can see the profiles in your Bluetooth settings. However, your car may have some kind of security setting that prevents auto-connection. In which case, there's nothing you can do.
What profiles for Bluetooth? There is no such thing. Don't waste our time I already did, the 4 sucks at bluetooth.
mikedeanellis said:
What profiles for Bluetooth? There is no such thing. Don't waste our time I already did, the 4 sucks at bluetooth.

Settings- General Settings- Bluetooth, right under the on/off bar are the "profiles" of paired devices.

Sent from my iPhone 4S us
Once you have a profile setup, it should remember it the next time you are within range. You can see the profiles in your Bluetooth settings. However, your car may have some kind of security setting that prevents auto-connection. In which case, there's nothing you can do.
I bet that's true. I've read that some older cars that have bluetooth have been having trouble with IOS 5 on the new iPhones and other IOS devices that have been updated to 5. For the OP you can try this also, after you have programmed your bluetooth in your car and your other bluetooth device, once you get into your car turn on airplane mode then turn it off. This seems to be working for many, it is not ideal but you do not have to go through the entire set up process each time you get into your car at least.
Thanks to everyone for you comments! My Bluetooth in my auto is in a 2011 Lexus, so there should be no issues there! I am content to have the phone paired to my bluetooth in the car, however I have a Bose Headset, those of you who are familiar with it know that it's no cheap! I just can't get over the fact that my Blackberry could handle both connections, and at this point Blackberry is going down hill fast, and that Iphone cannot handle both these connections.

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