Books you're reading or have recently read

Books you're reading or have recently read


Active Member
Thread Starter
Jun 12, 2011
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Manchester UK
Hi all. Thought I'd start a new thread called, "Books you are reading, or recently read" to get an insight into what type of person you are 😝.
Please be aware, as per forum rules that no religious discussions are to take place just a brief over view of the book you are reading if its on a religious theme.
*Not to be argued, or contested!*

The book I am reading at the minute is called, "Conversations with God" by Neale Walsch. It's basically well, conversations with God. As I'm not a huge believer I thought I'd try it to maybe open my mind up to the possibility there is one. In my honest opinion it's a fantastic read, lots of cliches and deep quotes, but so far it's not convinced me completely. (only up to chapter 3 😳)

Anyways, that's my book, how about yours?

To any Mod or Admin. can you please close this thread. Obviously wasn't as interesting as I first thought, not one comment in three days. Back to the drawing board for my next post idea 😝

I haven't read much recently, but the last book I read was The Jungle by Clive Cussler. His books are kinda like Tom Clancy novels, but with less swearing.
To any Mod or Admin. can you please close this thread. Obviously wasn't as interesting as I first thought, not one comment in three days. Back to the drawing board for my next post idea 😝

Reading? What is that? Just kidding. I just finished a book called "The West". I am a history buff so I read a lot of that kinda stuff. This one is great if your into westward expansion, Lewis and Clark, Native American history or just American history in general.
Not really a big reader at all. But im slowly easing myself into it (when i get the time)
Got the Lee Evans autobiography bought for me for a crimbo present so gonna give that a read starting tuesday.

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there was no one that enjoyed a good book in bed more than me,always historical fiction,ipad2 put paid to that,now I'm on my iPad all the time until my router kicks me off(energy saving feature)even then I'm known to go down and turn it back on,so thanks Apple,i miss reading.
To any Mod or Admin. can you please close this thread. Obviously wasn't as interesting as I first thought, not one comment in three days. Back to the drawing board for my next post idea 

oh ye of little faith,first time iv clapped eyes on this thread.

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