bricked iphone

bricked iphone


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Jul 18, 2011
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i just got an iphone as a hand me down. i have tried charging it and it seems to not be charging. The closest to it working is the red no battery sign coming up on screen. i have charged it overnight and it is currently on charge now. the battery seems to not be charging and it is not being recognized in itunes. i have tried putting it in DFU mode and have also done the hold the power and home button but nothing seems to be working... i need help!
Have you tried using a different cable? It may be that the cable is not working as it should.

Have you tried putting the iPhone in recovery mode when plugged into iTunes?
yeah i have used 3 different cables and all have not charged the iphone, how do you put it in recovery mode? it doesnt connect to itunes
You may have already tried this but this usually works.

1.make sure you have the latest version of iTunes.

2. Plug your cable into the computer. press and hold the home button on the iPhone whilst connecting the cable to your phone.

4.this should put your iPhone in to recovery mode.
that didnt work either :( the phone is off and is showing absolutely no signs of life.. it is as though there is no battery at all but i know there is. the only screen i have seen is the red empty battery screen with the connect to power signal below that battery

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