Build An iPhone 4 Steadicam for $30

Build An iPhone 4 Steadicam for $30


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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If you've tried to shoot HD video using your iPhone 4 you'll have found that it can be a little shaky at times. iPhone 4 owner and music and fashion photographer Spencer S. Watson certainly thought so, so he set about building his own steadicam for the princely sum of $30 (approx), using parts mainly sourced from Home Depot and a local skateboard shoop, according to Watson's step-by-step instruction video actually does a very good job of taking you through the whole process, and you can get more details on his blog. Here's a quote from him about the whole process, taken from his blog.
"I do get that this is a stupid amount of work to put into improving the video quality of a cell phone, that fact didn't escape me as the nerd haze descended over my eyes, and I started sawing and drilling. But my precious iPhone 4 demanded to get a fair shot at being a real camcorder, and I think it rose to the challenge admirably."
Looks pretty impressive!

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