Built-in battery.

Built-in battery.


New Member
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Sep 6, 2010
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Perth Australia
I have put my name down at my local phone store for the next batch of iphone 4 as they are now out of stock in OZ. My worry is: Normally when you phone freezes you remove the battery and turn it back on again, but with the iphone and the built-in battery what do you do if you phone freezes? Do you have to wait for the battery to drain, meaning you can't use it during all that time?
my phone has frozen only twice and thats when i was running with the jailbreak, you dont need to do a battery pull, it will reset itself
I have put my name down at my local phone store for the next batch of iphone 4 as they are now out of stock in OZ. My worry is: Normally when you phone freezes you remove the battery and turn it back on again, but with the iphone and the built-in battery what do you do if you phone freezes? Do you have to wait for the battery to drain, meaning you can't use it during all that time?

You never need to do a "battery removal" to reset your phone. First start with a soft reset (hold home and sleep wake until it reboots. As a last resort use this link for DFU mode.


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