I have an upgrade with Verizon, and I wanted to buy an iPhone4 off of Verizon's website using my upgrade. Once I get the phone, however, I want to give the phone to someone else to activate who is not part of my cell phone plan. Can I do this? Will I avoid signing up for data plan this way? Is there a better way or any hoops I have to jump through to accomplish my goal?
What i have understood and i just recently did this because i had 4 lines available for upgrade and i ordered the Iphone 4 for all of my lines, but i only use 2 of them so i was going to sell the other 2.....Well i figured that i could leave them unopened and just sell them, but after checking around i found out that for your upgrade to be registered so that 2 years from when you activate your newest upgrade phone...the new iphone has to be activated first for you before you can sell it or give it away, if you hook it up to itunes and then dial *228 to activate it will disable your current phone on the number that your new Iphone 4 was ordered under...and you will have to call Verizon again and get the iphone off and the old phone back on....so be aware of this before selling or giving away a phone, unless you go to a verizon store with the person who is buying it or that you are giving the phone too.